Plant Your Tree in Israel

You are warmly invited to plant trees in the forests of Israel, for which you will receive a classic KKL-JNF personalized certificate of dedication. At present, until we get back to routine, only a digital certificate can be sent to you by email.
Each planting that takes place through the site corresponds to the actual planting of a tree by KKL-JNF foresters.

Due to the Shmita year 5782 (Sept. 2021-2022), donations will be dedicated to security plantings in the Gaza envelope. (These plantings are permitted according to Jewish Law (Halakha) under the principle of preserving human life). Alternatively, you can choose to donate to the rehabilitation of a burnt forest that includes new plantings to be carried out following the Shmita year. (After donating one or a limited number of trees, you can visit the forest where they were planted, but please know that the particular tree(s) planted thanks to your donation cannot be specifically located and distinguished from the thousands of trees planted each year.)
Contribution options: