Planting Details

* Indicates required field
Planting Area: Mishmar Hanegev Forest
Donor's Country:
Price per Tree: 36 NIS
* No. of Trees:
Tax-exemption for donations apply to residents of Israel only.
Would you like to issue an online certificate for this planting?
Click to certificate example

KKL-JNF will issue you an online certificate with a dedication.
You can personalize the dedication and add a picture of your choice.

Issue certificate (Y/N):
No, I don't want a certificate
Tree Dedication on Certificate
* Dedicatory Line: Example: In Honor of
* Dedicated to: Write the name of the person the certificate is dedicated to
Message: Write your personal message (up to 3 lines, for a new line press "Enter").
Ending Line: Write personal ending. Example: With Love.
* Dedicated By: Write the name of the donor(s) (up to 2 lines, for a new line press "Enter").
Add Photo: You can add a photo to be printed on the certificate.
Certificate's date:
View Certificate and Confirm